Big Hearted Biz Bundle

R14,744.00-51% OFF



A special bundle for Big hearted Biz owners offering services from the heart.

Includes lifetime access to the following:

  1. Boundaries for Big Hearted Businesses – valued at $1222 | ZAR 22 600
  2. 6 Figure Masterclass – valued at $111 | ZAR 2055
  3. Triple your Income + Impact with by Firing clients Masterclass – valued at $297 | ZAR 5494

Total bundle Value is normally available at $1630 | ZAR 30149

Promo offer for this Bundle is now $797 | ZAR 14 744

BBHB is where I’ve condensed 10 years of learnings of the business boundaries you need to create a solid foundation for continued growth.
But not conglemerate style growth.
Not growth that comes at the cost of your health, or values or the cost of you serving the people you’re meant to.

And definitely not growth that costs you your relationships with clients.

I want you to attract your soul mate clients – and stop leaking energy to those 5%clients who take up 80% of your energy.

And I want your business to be something that supports your lifestyle choices

How are you handling pricing objections?

Do you know how to say no to clients with ease – or are you saying yes to every request and seething with resentment?

Boundaries in your business are about creating solid structures that support you in the building the type of heart based business you desire.

I’m going to go off on a little tangent here because it’s important…
Allah chose for this business to come through you.
You’re the instrument.
If you want your business to be *just* about money – honestly there’s no shame in that. Halaal rozi is not shameful. BUT if you want it to be about MORE than that, if you see your business as an extension of your purpose, then you’re going to have to go deeper.
And that’s where these boundaries come in.

That’s where how you manage your energy matters. How you handle difficult clients matters. How you handle your team, matters.

And that’s where BBHB comes in.

You get immediate lifetime access to all modules

Big Hearted Biz Bundle
